What Exactly Is Schizophrenia?

If schizophrenia had a nickname, it would be: Misunderstood. That'south because it's every shade of complicated. And, to confuse matters more, each of its symptoms appear in at least one other psychiatric disorder.

The easiest way to make sense of it is to say what information technology's not. Schizophrenia is non characterized by carve up or multiple personalities (aka dissociative identity disorder), or the extreme shifts in mood that come up with bipolar disorder. And people with schizophrenia aren't decumbent to violence—or genius, for that matter, in spite of  what you might have seen in the motion-picture show "A Beautiful Heed."

"The authentication symptoms of schizophrenia—hallucinations and delusions, baroque thoughts and perceptual difficulties—are typically what we recall of, but ultimately it'southward a brain disorder that involves progressive deterioration in cognitive abilities," explains Dr. Frank Chen, MD, Chief Medical Officer at Houston Behavioral Healthcare Hospital in Texas. "Unfortunately, information technology'due south an disease that doesn't go any better, but you can utilise medications to palliate some of the symptoms and amend quality of life."

Because schizophrenia is tricky to diagnose, numbers on its prevalence vary, but experts guess it affects about 2.4 million Americans. The disorder affects more men than women—the ratio is 1.4 to one—and it strikes men earlier, likewise. Historic period of onset for men tends to be in the belatedly teens to early 20s; for women, onset typically occurs in the early 20s to early 30s. Experts believe this has something to do with the pruning of neurons, a process that takes place later on birth in babies, which happens later for women than for men.

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How Schizophrenia Manifests

People with schizophrenia feel what's called a psychotic break, which is the onset of psychosis: It's when their mind is overtaken past hallucinations and/or delusions that brand it difficult to know what'southward existent and what's non. Simply while the discussion "break" sounds sudden, symptoms of schizophrenia don't happen in a single traumatic moment. Instead, they are usually gradual and can progress for years, and they tin can be easy to miss—until they're impossible to ignore. Here'south how the disorder can manifest.

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Early on Warning Signs

Besides chosen the "prodromal phase," early symptoms of schizophrenia are those that happen before a first episode of psychosis and usually during teenage or immature adult years. The elapsing of the prodromal phase tin vary, and in some people may last over 2 years. Early on symptoms can be difficult to find because they tin mirror the typical behavior of an angsty teenager or young.

"When individuals outset experience some of the bizarreness associated with this illness, they kind of await depressed," says Dr. Chen. "They get much more reclusive. They don't talk as much. A lot of times they're hibernating in their room. Like about teenagers, they don't share their thoughts with their parents. Information technology's like shooting fish in a barrel to retrieve it's teenage angst, or that they're just going through a phase."

According to the National Alliance on Mental Disease, early on signs of schizophrenia to look out for include:

  • A steep drop in grades or task performance
  • Trouble thinking clearly or concentrating
  • Suspiciousness or uneasiness with others
  • A decline in cocky-intendance, like not showering for days
  • Spending a lot more time alone than usual
  • Strong, inappropriate emotions such as laughing when someone dies or having no feelings at all

The Symptoms of Schizophrenia

Symptoms of schizophrenia are generally put into two categories: positive or negative. Simply don't be fooled by the term "positive"; these symptoms aren't positive in the good sense. "Positive symptoms are experiences which are not more often than not part of everyday feel," says Dr. Russell Margolis, Chiliad.D., Clinical Director at the Johns Hopkins Schizophrenia Center in Baltimore and professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences.

In other words, positive symptoms are created or added to a person's life by the illness. The experience of positive symptoms in schizophrenia designates that pause with reality that comes with psychosis. Patients can feel either hallucinations or delusions, or both simultaneously.

Just like positive schizophrenia symptoms are added to someone'due south life, negative symptoms are what the disease takes away. "They are the absenteeism of something that'due south normally present in life, such equally goals, interests, and initiative," says Dr. Margolis. "The person just doesn't want to do things anymore. They may simply want to sit down around all day; they may not speak very much or have spontaneous ideas. It's like everything is turned down."

Positive symptoms of schizophrenia include:

  • Hallucinations: These are sensory experiences that are not comprehensible to others but feel perfectly real and vivid to the person experiencing them. Roughly lxx% of people with schizophrenia volition have hallucinations. Auditory hallucinations—hearing voices or sounds that aren't at that place—are the almost common, affecting more than 83% of patients, followed by visual ones (57%), such equally seeing torso parts or unidentifiable things. Other, less mutual types (27%) of hallucinations include tactile or sense-of-touch ones, such as feeling bugs itch on your body; olfactory or smell-related hallucinations (27%); and gustatory hallucinations (14%), which involve your sense of taste. No matter what the type of hallucination, a person with schizophrenia can't be talked out of it or convinced that what they're hearing or experiencing isn't really happening.
  • Delusions:Divers equally false beliefs or beliefs that conflict with reality, people with schizophrenia hold strong to these notions despite enough of bear witness to the contrary. Delusions come in many forms; some of the more than common ones include:
    • Delusions of persecution: The belief that someone or something means to do you physical or emotional harm, like believing that your side by side-door neighbour is inbound your home while yous are sleeping in gild to poison your food or to spy on yous.
    • Delusions of grandeur: The belief that you lot are an of import, powerful, or a famous person such as a member of royalty, a deity, or a superhero with special powers such as an ability to know the future.
    • Delusions of reference: The belief that something or someone is referring to yous when they are not. For instance, you may believe something you read in the newspaper refers to you or your thoughts, or that an actor talking in a picture is sending you a personal message through the screen.
  • Idea insertion: The belief that your thoughts are not your own, rather they were placed there by an exterior source.
  • Thought broadcasting: The belief that your thoughts are being circulate so that someone or something tin discover or collect them (say, aliens or the government), or that people around you can read your mind.
  • Idea Disorder: "This is a disordered way of thinking where it's hard for the affected person to keep their thoughts in a linear, organized manner," says Dr. Margolis. "As a event, words and phrases are misused, underused, or overused, and information technology'southward hard for another person to sympathize." For example, a person with thought disorder might respond to a question like "Where are you from?" in a tangential, irrelevant style by explaining they don't know their ancestral history. Or they might derail off topic with a flight of ideas that are merely vaguely associated with the original concept.
  • Disorganized Beliefs and Speech: This is characterized by trouble with goal-directed behavior, which can not only get in the manner of starting and completing a task like making dinner or getting dressed for the mean solar day, only it can too impact your power to work or interact with others. Spoken language can also be afflicted: Words may get so jumbled and confused that it's often described as a "word salad." Other ways disorganization can manifest:
    • A decline in overall daily functioning
    • Unpredictable or inappropriate emotional responses
    • Lack of impulse command
    • Bizarre behaviors that lack purpose
    • Routine behaviors such as bathing, dressing, or brushing teeth can be severely impaired or lost

The negative symptoms of schizophrenia include:

  • Avolition: A total lack of motivation, to the point of not existence able to pursue any sort of goal, including seemingly simple things like making or taking a telephone telephone call
  • Anhedonia: An inability to experience pleasure from social situations or physical activities like eating, touching, or sex activity
  • Social withdrawal: Lack of interest in being with other people
  • Difficulty paying attention : Staring off aimlessly while someone is speaking, for example
  • Apathy: This might prove upward as lack of personal hygiene, or a lack of concern for yourself or others.
  • Affective flattening: An absence of "bear on" or emotional expression, such as unresponsive facial expressions or vocal tones and very little body language or move
  • Alogia: Difficulty speaking, which might mean a pregnant reduction in the amount of words spoken or in the ability to speak with ease or use item when communicating

And what almost cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia?

There'south some overlap betwixt cerebral symptoms and both positive and negative ones, only cognition can exist divers more than narrowly equally the chapters to call up through and solve problems, explains Dr. Margolis.

"This is the kind of a thinking you would become on an IQ test, for instance, the ability to generate a certain number of words in a menstruum of time, or the power to connect one idea to another," he says.

"Most people with schizophrenia practise accept some cognitive issues compared to where they were before they became ill." The way their encephalon works and processes data can get weaker, and cognitive skills they used to take are harder to perform considering their brain isn't functioning normally.

What's the Divergence Between Schizophrenia and Psychosis?

"Psychosis is symptoms—hallucinations and delusions—that can occur in a number of different entities," says Dr. Chen. For instance, someone who is on cocaine or methamphetamine can have psychotic symptoms, and so can someone at the very extremes of depression or mania. And of grade, so can someone with schizophrenia.

The distinction, says Dr. Chen, lies in how long symptoms last. "Substance-induced psychosis is reversible. In one case your depression resolves, the psychosis goes away. When you treat the mania, the psychosis goes away and y'all don't have to treat it anymore. But in the case of schizophrenia, the psychosis is enduring. And if you finish the medications, the psychosis volition invariably come back."

Types of Schizophrenia

  • Paranoid Schizophrenia:
    The most common type of schizophrenia characterized by psychosis misaligned with reality. If you are suffering from paranoid schizophrenia, you may exist unreasonably paranoid of others, accept paranoid delusions that someone is later on you and that they are trying to hurt you. Mutual paranoid delusions include coworkers, spouses, the government, and neighbors plotting to hurt you in some way. You may believe others are out to try to kill you, spy on your, make your life miserable, poison you, or cheat on you. Paranoid schizophrenia has a severe impact on relationships, understandably and so, every bit if you are suffering from this disorder, you believe those that are close to you are trying to hurt you in some style. This may cause you to experience angered and agitated. To cause an fifty-fifty deeper bear upon on the situation, your paranoid delusions may be accompanied past hallucinations where you hear voices that are insulting you or prompting you lot to practice bad things.
  • Schizoaffective Disorder:
    Schizoaffective disorder is a type of combination disorder that combines symptoms of schizophrenia with a mood disorder – most probable either major depression or bipolar disorder. This type of schizophrenia is chronic and appears in intermittent episodes. Mood (melancholia) symptoms occur at the aforementioned time every bit the schizophrenic symptoms and the schizophrenic symptoms often stay put after the mood symptoms disperse. Common symptoms of schizoaffective disorder include depression, mania, and classic schizophrenia.
  • Cursory Psychotic Disorder:
    This is a brusk-term occurrence of schizophrenia, where in that location is a sudden onset of symptoms that only persist for less than i month. The causes of these brief stints of psychoses include an obvious stressor (e.1000., expiry of a loved one, trauma from natural disasters), no credible stressor (i.e., the symptoms come on due to no obvious reaction to a disturbing event), and postpartum psychoses – occurring in women within iv weeks of giving birth. During this cursory episode of psychosis, you might feel hallucinations, delusions, and cognitive deficits, as present during more general schizophrenia. It is unknown what causes brief psychotic disorder to affect certain individuals, but sure genetic and environment factors have been examined as culprits, including predisposition to develop mood disorders and psychoses inside the family history.
  • Schizophreniform Disorder:
    This is another curt-course occurrence of full-diddled schizophrenia, where the affected private experiences distorted thinking, emotional reactions, and perceptions of reality. If you are suffering from this disorder, yous probable accept a very hard time distinguishing between what'due south real and what's imagined. Though the symptoms of schizophreniform disorder and general schizophrenia overlap, the major divergence is the length of duration. If you suffer from schizophreniform disorder, you feel psychosis symptoms for half-dozen months or less. If they persist longer than this time frame, you lot are likely to receive a diagnosis of schizophrenia instead.
  • Delusional Disorder:
    As the name suggests, this is a class of psychosis where the main symptom is delusions – the inability to shake untrue beliefs. If you are suffering from this form of psychosis, information technology is not likely yous are making up unbelievable scenarios – nigh delusions involve someone trying to poison you or damage you lot in some type of style. In reality, these delusions may be a heightened exaggeration of reality or just faux altogether. A distinguishing feature of individuals suffering from this condition is that among other things, there is no bizarre behavior – yous wouldn't know someone is suffering from this condition if information technology weren't for the delusions.
  • Shared Psychotic Disorder: Also known every bit "folie a deux" (the folly of ii), this is a rare form of psychosis where an otherwise healthy individual begins to adopt the psychotic behavior/delusions of someone suffering from schizophrenia. For example, if you are suffering from schizophrenia and believe monsters are after yous and trying to abduct you, if your spouse (otherwise salubrious) besides starts to believe that monsters are out to get you, your spouse would be considered to suffer from shared psychotic disorder. If yous and your partner separate, the delusions resolve.

What Are the Chance Factors for Schizophrenia?

Experts can't say exactly what causes schizophrenia, simply they've been able to identify a number of central hazard factors, and they believe it's likely a combination of more than one that contribute to someone developing the disorder. Here are the factors at the elevation of the listing:


Genes appear to be by far the biggest risk factor for schizophrenia. "When you expect at the illness overall, somewhere between 60% to 80% of the adventure of developing schizophrenia is genetic," says Dr. Margolis, and the risk will depend on their family history, and whether a diagnosed relative is shut or distant.

"If yous take a sibling with schizophrenia, you probably have a 10% chance of getting information technology yourself," says Dr. Margolis. "If you accept a parent with schizophrenia, it's a little bit lower, about a half-dozen% chance. If you accept a grandparent, your chances are similar 5%. If you have an aunt or uncle with schizophrenia, the chances are 2%."

These exact numbers are all subject to discussion equally experts continue to learn more, says Dr. Margolis, but the takeaway is that your risk chop-chop goes down the further removed you are from the relative with schizophrenia. It'south also important to annotation that there's non just one factor implicated in schizophrenia.

For instance, 1 2014 research consortium funded by the NIMH found 108 genetic regions with variations that were significantly associated with schizophrenia risk, and more than take been discovered since. For now, that means genetic tests for schizophrenia remain a dream, not a reality.

Pregnancy Complications

Researchers have found that severe complications during pregnancy—such as extreme malnutrition or asphyxia (oxygen deprivation)—are associated with an increased take chances of the kid developing schizophrenia afterward in life. Only don't freak out: "This does not by any means mean that schizophrenia would inevitably consequence if you have a pregnancy complexity, it just increases the risk," says Dr. Margolis.

There are at to the lowest degree two possible connections, the first being genetics. "You may already take some genetic vulnerability, merely so some damage occurs that unmasks the vulnerability," says Dr. Margolis.

Second, there is the more general biological cistron that the brain is developing during pregnancy. "Anything that interferes brain development is likely to increment the risk of schizophrenia," says Dr. Margolis. "Of course, it's going to increment the chance of all sorts of other things, likewise."

Substance Abuse

Abuse of alcohol or any illicit drugs has long been linked with an increased risk of developing schizophrenia, but there's one drug in particular that has experts especially worried: Cannabis.

I study out of Denmark, for case, constitute strong associations between almost any substance corruption and afterwards risk of developing schizophrenia, merely marijuana was the clear leading culprit. Here's a rundown of substance risks associated with schizophrenia development:

  • Cannabis: 5.2 times
  • Alcohol: 3.4 times
  • Hallucinogenic drugs: 1.ix times
  • Sedatives: 1.7 times
  • Amphetamines: 1.24 times
  • Other substances: 2.8 times

"In that location is pretty hit bear witness that marijuana use, especially in younger teens, is associated with increased gamble for schizophrenia in a dose-response way: The more than the apply, the higher the risk," says Dr. Margolis. Though the exact reason isn't yet understood, he points to timing and what's happening in the brain.

"The brain doesn't accomplish its total maturity until the belatedly teens-early on twenties, and and then there are a number of important biologic processes underway," says Dr. Margolis. "The presumption is that somehow, marijuana is interfering with those processes."

Older Sperm

Or rather, the sperm of older fathers, to be exact. Children born to centre-aged fathers may be at higher take chances for developing a range of mental illnesses, perchance including schizophrenia, some prove suggests. I report in JAMA Psychiatry found that kids built-in to fathers age 45 and older had about twice the risk of developing psychosis—a hallmark of schizophrenia—compared with those built-in to younger dads anile 20 to 24.

"This has been debated for a while, merely it appears that in that location may be an increased risk of new mutations developing," says Dr. Margolis. "It has to do with constant turnover of sperm, and the older someone is, the more chances in that location are of mutations occurring."

How is Schizophrenia Diagnosed?

This is where things get tricky. Diagnosing schizophrenia can be challenging for a few reasons. "It starts with the fact that there is no one unique feature of schizophrenia—people can take hallucinations and positive and negative symptoms of all types with other psychiatric disorders," says Dr. Margolis. "And then, the offset footstep is to avoid existence fooled and ruling out those other disorders."

Second, at that place is no specific test for schizophrenia. "There's no blood or genetic exam, or any imaging test—though there'south swell hope that as functional MRI scans get more sophisticated, we may exist able to develop improve tools for diagnosis," says Dr. Margolis. "But for at present, it's a clinical diagnosis." Part of that process involves making sure there are no other medical factors at play that can manifest like schizophrenia, such every bit a encephalon tumor or syphilis.

From in that location, a classic diagnosis comes from comprehensively evaluating the individual's psychiatric history, starting from when they were well through to how their symptoms have progressed over time, and performing a detailed mental status examination of the person in the moment. For instance, are they currently experiencing hallucinations, delusions, or disordered thinking? This information is gathered not but from the patient, but also from shut family members and friends.

"Some people with schizophrenia are very guarded and suspicious of everything as office of their illness, and then they won't reveal what they're thinking," explains Dr. Margolis. "Or, they can be and so thought disordered that they won't be able to communicate what they've experienced or how they conduct. That's why it'southward vitally important to obtain information from outside informants."

Schizophrenia Causes From Inside the Brain

The schizophrenia brain looks different than a good for you encephalon, but it's non easy to spot on standard neuroimaging tests. A few key markers in schizophrenia:

  • Enlarged ventricles: These are fluid-filled cavities in the center of the brain. "This was the starting time consistent biologic finding that proved that schizophrenia is a encephalon disease," says Dr. Margolis. "Information technology'due south a sign that they've lost brain affair, just at that place'southward and then much variability in ventricle size between patients that information technology'due south not helpful diagnostically, at least not notwithstanding." Speaking of lost brain affair…
  • Reduced gray matter: There's a reduction in volume of grayness affair, neuronal cell bodies that procedure information in the brain, particularly in the temporal lobe, which processes memories and associates them with sensations of taste, audio, sight, and touch, besides as the frontal lobe, which is important for cognitive functions and command of voluntary movement or activity.
  • Unhealthy levels of biochemicals: Many theories point to either an excess or shortage of neurotransmitters serotonin, glutamate, and dopamine. In the latter instance, there's an overactivity in dopamine signals, which plays a office in reward and desire—leading to the hallucinations and delusions, says Dr. Chen.
  • Less agile frontal lobes: This department of the encephalon is involved in time to come planning and reasoning, retentiveness formation, speech communication and language production, impulse control, and more—all cerebral skills that are impaired in people with schizophrenia.

Complications of Schizophrenia

As mentioned previously, the occurrence of suicide in schizophrenics is abnormally higher than other mental disease disorders. Such that, an estimated xx% to 40% of individuals suffering from schizophrenia will attempt suicide at some signal in their lifetimes. Up to 13% are likely to successfully complete the deed, the majority being males. Suicide is a tricky complication of schizophrenia because many suffering from this condition are unaware they have it, making treatment that much more than hard.

Substance abuse is another mutual complication of schizophrenia. Nicotine addiction is the most common substance abuse among schizophrenics, with schizophrenics beingness fond to nicotine three times the rate of the full general population.

If you are suffering from schizophrenia, you have an increased propensity to abuse more harder substances in addition to nicotine, including marijuana, alcohol, and cocaine. Certainly compounding the already detrimental impact of substance corruption on ane's general wellness, taking medications to treat schizophrenia while abusing drugs makes the medication less effective, in fact, potentially unsafe. In addition, amphetamines (stimulants) make schizophrenic symptoms considerably worse.

What is the Treatment for Schizophrenia?

Antipsychotic medications are the gold standard, though they work more effectively for positive symptoms (hallucinations, delusion, thought disorder) than they practise for negative or cognitive ones. In that location are several antipsychotics available, each with their own advantages and disadvantages, making information technology hard to say which ones are improve than the others — information technology really depends on who's taking information technology, says Dr. Margolis.

"In full general, the older medicines tend to have a slightly college rate of neurologic side effects," he says, referring to and so-called get-go-generation drugs similar chlorpromazine and haloperidol. For instance, some patients will develop movement abnormalities that await similar Parkinson's disease, or akathisia, an urgent and unpleasant sense of restlessness. On the other manus, some of the newer, second-generation medications such as olanzapine and clozapine have a greater chance of causing metabolic syndrome—a cluster of symptoms including weight proceeds, diabetes, and high cholesterol—but not all of them deport this gamble.

Another matter to consider with medication is the method of delivery. "Many patients with schizophrenia have a status called anosognosia, where they don't have awareness of their illness," says Dr. Chen. "And if they don't think they're ill, they're not going to take medications—so they're notorious for existence noncompliant." Newer technologies similar long-acting injectable medications or transdermal patches are helpful for these patients to stick with a treatment protocol.

Beyond medication, dissimilar types of psychotherapy such equally cognitive behavioral therapy tin aid people with schizophrenia manage their affliction on a number of fronts. For one, medications aren't perfect, and psychotherapy can help teach a person how to ignore or disengage with symptoms that slip through the cracks. It tin can also aid with common issues like managing strained family unit relationships, finding and holding downwards a job, and remembering to take medications and prove up for doctors' appointments.

Another handling to consider is Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), which involves stimulating the patient'south brain with pocket-size electric currents while they're under anesthesia. "At that place's some evidence that very severely sick patients respond well to a combination of clozepine and ECT together," says Dr. Margolis. "Information technology may be peculiarly effective in people who have schizophrenia with prominent mood symptoms such as low or mania."

How Common is Childhood Schizophrenia?

Childhood-onset schizophrenia (COS) is a rare and poorly understood illness, affecting only virtually i in 40,000 children. It'due south considered COS when diagnosed in kids under 13 years old. Though the symptoms are very like on paper to those of developed schizophrenia, they can be even more than difficult to diagnose in children than adults, because symptoms can be easily mistaken for normal kid-like behavior.

For example, early on warning signs of COS include shyness, introversion, loneliness, depression, and manic-similar beliefs, all of which could exist chalked up to "kids being kids." And children accept wild imaginations (Retrieve: monsters in the closet), which can be used to explain abroad the possibility of hallucinations or delusions. What's more, symptoms overlap with those found in other more common babyhood disorders such as autism and ADHD, calculation to the claiming of authentic diagnosis.

Handling for COS looks very similar to that for adults—antipsychotic medication combined with psychotherapy, with the addition of academic and social support. Unfortunately, the condition is not likely to get away even with handling, and instead continues into adulthood. Early on diagnosis is key to helping children and their families better gear up to cope with the chronic illness.

Schizophrenia FAQs

What are the first signs of schizophrenia?

Early signs of schizophrenia can be easy to confuse with depression. They include:

  • A steep drop in grades or chore performance
  • Trouble thinking clearly or concentrating
  • Suspiciousness or uneasiness with others
  • A decline in cocky-care, like not showering for days
  • Spending a lot more time alone than usual
  • Strong, inappropriate emotions such as laughing when someone dies or having no feelings at all

What is the difference between schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder?

Both are categorized every bit a psychotic disorder, and both are defined as having psychotic symptoms (hallucinations, delusions). But in individuals with schizoaffective disorder, they will invariably have a mood state on top of their core psychotic symptoms, and and so they sometimes flip into a country of mania or depression.

What can trigger schizophrenia

Triggers are very individual, and they tin can either set off the process of schizophrenia in someone who'south already vulnerable or lead to a relapse. Some common triggers include stress, substance abuse (especially marijuana abuse), a disrupted sleep/wake bike, or discontinuing the utilise of antipsychotic medications.

Helpful Resources for Schizophrenia

National Institute of Mental Wellness

The pb federal agency for enquiry on mental disorders, you'll discover the latest research, news, and statistics on schizophrenia here, and yous tin can explore the idea of participating in an upcoming clinical trial for finding new and better treatments.

National Brotherhood on Mental Illness

The nation'south largest grassroots mental wellness organization, NAMI provides information on understanding different mental health atmospheric condition and latest research, equally well as resources to find a mental wellness provider and navigate health insurance. For complimentary information and support, call the NAMI HelpLine at ane-800-950-NAMI (6264), or e-mail info@nami.org.

Schizophrenia Alliance

This cocky-assist group is managed by people who are dealing with schizophrenia or a related disorder firsthand. Here, y'all'll find social support and fellowship with a community of people who share your challenges and encourage positivity and existence proactive in your recovery.

Article Sources

Sex activity Differences in Schizophrenia: Schizophrenia Bulletin. (2006). "Variations in the Incidence of Schizophrenia: Data Versus Dogma" https://academic.oup.com/schizophreniabulletin/commodity/32/1/195/2888593

Hallucination Prevalence in Schizophrenia: Industrial Psychiatry Journal. (2010). "Hallucinations: Clinical aspects and management"

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The Heritability of Schizophrenia: Nature. (2009). "Common polygenic variation contributes to hazard of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder" https://www.nature.com/articles/nature08185

100+ Genetic Sites Implicated in Schizophrenia: Nature. (2014). "Biological Insights From 108 Schizophrenia-Associated Genetic Loci"


Schizophrenia May Begin in Utero: Chemist's and Therapeutics. (2014). "Schizophrenia: Overview and Treatment"


Marijuana Increases Schizophrenia Run a risk: Psychological Medicine. (2017). "Association Between Alcohol, Cannabis, and Other Illicit Substance Abuse and Hazard of Developing Schizophrenia: A Nationwide Population Based Register Written report" https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28166863/

Schizophrenia Gamble Higher for Kids with Older Fathers: JAMA Psychiatry. (2014). Paternal Age at Childbearing and Offspring Psychiatric and Academic Morbidity


Childhood-Onset Schizophrenia is Rare: Current Psychiatry Reports. (2011). "Childhood-Onset Schizophrenia: The Challenge of Diagnosis" https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3289250/#:~:text=Childhood%2Donset%20schizophrenia%20(COS),many%20alternative%20diagnoses%20(ADs).

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Last Updated: February 14, 2022